My passion

From a very young girl had wanted to help others, even though I was not sure how. Working as a therapist I discovered the pleasure of watching my hard work and dedication is turning slowly in the other's health. Share my knowledge... some studies; others float in the bottom of my heart.
Helping people who come to you is nice and necessary. Because when you give is always received.
For several years my work has become a complement to my life... Obviously gives me a job, but above all it gives me great personal enrichment, because since I can remember I've always liked the contact with people and have always known that the experiences that others need to share it with us, we drew a learning. For all this, I have formed and continue to do so, as a therapist manual and other therapies that can help without trying never replace the figure of the doctor.
From manual therapies, holistic and alternative try to teach people to live better, based on self-healing and more. Your therapist will try to help you find the balance for your health. You will have to carry out your part of the deal, striving to follow his instructions. By therapies will help you connect more and more with your interior, and you'll see more and take more aware of your body, your thoughts and your feelings and you will leave feeling better.
For all this I recommend all those therapies based on the hands and the voice of your therapist will help you find your balance.

Music by:
Antonio J. Asiáin Sanz